Journée MissTerre (LEFE)
22-23 juin 2011
Visio UPMC, Paris – CNRM Toulouse
Mercredi 22 juin
Synthèses simulations long terme en cours (simulations, difficultés, 1er résultats)
- CMIP5 et « Special issue climate dynamics (Pascale Braconnot, et al.)
- The CNRM‐CM5 global climate model: description and basic evaluation ? (Aurore Voldoire, et al.)
- The IPSL‐CM5A Earth System Model: general description and climate change projections (Jean-Louis Dufresne, et al.)
Simulation décennales
- Synthèse exercice en cours dans les 2 groupes + premiers résultats CERFACS (Christophe Cassou)
- Diffusion des données (cmore, base données, accès etc.. ) (Sébastien Denvil)
Model description and evaluation
- The impact of the inclusion of new sea ice processes on the simulation of sea ice by CNRM‐CM5 global coupled model (David Salas y Mélia D. et Matthieu Chevallier)
- Day‐to‐dayevaluation with respect Sirta measurements of the various physics of the LMDZ model with a streched grid and nudging (Frédérique Cheruy, et al.)
- Model‐data comparison of Heat and momentum fluxes over tropical oceans (Alina Gainusa‐Bogdan, et al.)
- Evaluation of the LMDZ/IPSL climate model in a weather prediction mode; Comparison with single column model evaluations (Solange Fermepin, et al.)
- On the control of deep convection by subcloud processes in the LMDZNP model through the Available Lifting Power (Catherine Rio, et al.)
- LMDZ5 « New Physics » : principles and impact on the climate of theIPSL coupled model of a complete refundation of the boundary layer/convection/cloud parameterization (Frédéric Hourdin, et al.)
Forçages CMIP5 (simulations réalisées, difficultés, principaux résultats)
- Changes in tropospheric aerosoland reactive gases burdens and concentrations under IPCC‐AR5 emission scenarios for 1850‐2100 (Sophie Szopa, et al.)
Climate variability and dynamical studies
- Analysis of the physical mechanisms controlling tropical low‐cloud feedbacks in the IPSL climate model through a hierarchy of model configurations (Florent Brient, et al.)
- ENSO‐Indian monsoon teleconnection in the CNRMand IPSL historical simulations (Laurent Terray et Kakitha Kamala)
- Tropical variability and stratospheric equatorial waves in the IPSLCM5 model (P. Maury et al.)
- North‐Atlantic weather regimes and European temperatures in the IPSL model: sensitivity to atmospheric resolution (Julien Cattiaux, et al.)
- Impact of horizontal resolution on the eddy‐driven jets: mean state and variability (Francis Codron)
- Multidecadal variability and air‐sea interactions inthe subpolar North Atlantic (Romain Escudier, et al.)
- Decadal predictability in the thermohaline circulation and climate in the IPSLCM5 model (A. Persechino)
- Initialisation and predictability of the AMOC in the IPSL‐CM5 model over the last 60 years (Didier Swingedouw, et al.)
- Atmospheric response to the North Atlantic oceanic variability on seasonal to decadal time scale (Guillaume Gastineau, et al.)
- High southern latitudes and Antarctic atmospheric circulation / climate in the IPSL‐CM5 model (S. Parouty, et al.)
Jeudi 23 juin
Analysis of the climate response to external forcings (anthropogenic, paleo, volcanic..)
- Climate sensitivity and radiativefeedbacks in the CNRM‐CM5 climate model (Olivier Geoffroy, et al.)
- Analysis of the tropical precipitation response to climate change predicted by the IPSL climate model (Sandrine Bony)
- Mid‐Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum climate simulations with the IPSL model: new features with the IPSL_CM5 version (Masa Kageyama, et al.
- Present‐day biases and future changes in European temperatures: a pilot study with CNRM and IPSL models (Julien Cattiaux, et al.)
Earth‐System interactions (chemistry, bio‐geochemistry
- Carbon-climate feedbacks: comparison bewteen IPSL-CM4-LOOP and IPSL-CM5A-C (Patricia Cadule, et al.)
- Simulating marine biogeochemitry in coupled climate models: evaluation and intercomparison of IPSL‐CM and CNRM‐CM (Roland Seferian, et al.)
- Differences between anthropogenic perturbations in heat, CO2, and CFC in the IPSL‐CM and CNRM‐CM earth system models (J.C. Orr, et al.)
- Does the integration of dynamic N cycle in land surface model improve the long‐term trend of LAI and the land surface CO2 exchange in the atmosphere? (Bertrand Guenet)
Régional climate
- Euro – CORDEX IPSL Simulations using IPSL- CM + WRF/MM5 models & DRIAS (Augustin Colette)
- Détection attribution in the mediteranean basin (A. Ribes)
- Simulations CORDEX CNRM (Samuel Somot)
- Simulations CORDEX IPSL
CMIP5 experiment results – internships
- Changement climatique: quels rythmes d’évolution du climat en fonction des scénarios (Amaury Dehecq)
- Variabilité des pluies de moussons dans le modèle CM5 (Gaëlle Drouot)
- Varaibilité saisonnière de la circulation méridienne de retournement dans l’Atlantique: comparaison modèle IPSL_CM5A et données à 26°N (Robin Waldman)